"Your path is to be shared...It will be called The Golden Thread Road"
~White Buffalo Calf Woman
PLEASE NOTE: This blog has run its course and is being continued at windbuffalo.blogspot.com. Thank you so much for reading!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanks Given

Every year at this time I make a hodge-podge list of 101 things I am grateful for (trying to minimize the mention of Muppets and of Rainbows... which are this year only listed once each... kind of... okay, well twice then... ).  It is amazing what a difference gratitude makes, and when I forget who I am, which happens from time to time, looking at these lists of what I am appreciative of always helps bring me back to myself.  I feel Gratefulness is what Love feels like -- One and the same.  So when I am shattered in pieces, gratitude begins connecting those pieces, an act of creation rather than destruction, literally re-membering who I am.

1. Neil Patrick Harris  2. The deep healing shades of green of the forest  3. Zucchini Bread  4. Rainbow Connections  5. My ever deepening, enrichening Shamanic Path  6. The ability to make up words (see #5)  7. Story Tellers  8. Barbaric Yawps  9. Moments of deep, one-on-one connection with another soul  10. Apparently the word "Deep" (this being the fourth time I've used it thus far)  11. Optimism!!  12. Ever present Hope  13. Pooh Sticks  14. The smell of earth and grass  15. Horses (and the way they smell)  16. Strawberry Milk  17. Inspiration  18. Long, languid naps  19. Furry, purry children  20. The breath-taking awe of Grandmother Moon  21. Camping  22. Walks, and sits, in the woods  23. Kissing  24. The Spirit of Christmas  25. Unexpected Miracles and Wild Synchronicities  26. Woodsmoke  27. Drum circles on the beach  28. Deep and wacky spiritual conversations  29. The palpable presence of Spirit Guides  30. Profound yet simple guidance  31. Mystery  32. Star Trek  33. Xena who gave shape to my inner warrior  34. The Fair Folk  35. Silence and Solitude  36. Walt Whitman  37. Alan Watts 38. The ability to see with more than my eyes  39. Fudge  40. Garrison Keillor  41. Walt Disney  42. Indescribable transcendent moments of connection and oneness with the Universe and Goddess  43. Untamed, wild places  44. The Chanupa  45. Minnesota  46. Root Beer  47. Foreign Accents  48. Massage  49. Giving and receiving Reiki  50. All things Celtic  51. Ceremony and Ritual  52. Breathing Space  53. Charles Schulz  54. Iluminated Manuscripts and Calligraphic Fonts  55. Feathers  56. Bells  57. Stephen Hawking  58. John Keats  59. Words and Languages  60. Lost histories just waiting to be rediscovered  61. The rattle of arrows on my back and the curve of the bow in my hand  62. Creativity in all it's myriad forms  63. Gene Kelly  64. IDIC (Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations)  65. Cold yet sunny days  66. Muppets  67. Errol Flynn  68. Books  69. Sherwood Flashback Moments  70. The ever-growing presence of the Divine Feminine in the world  71. Healing Tears  72. Cuddling and Affection  73. Shakespeare  74. Swans  75. William Shatner  76. Rainbows  77. Paper and Ink  78. Pizza  79. The abundant Love that surrounds me from seen and unseen sources  80. Jeshua  81. Colors  82. Laughter -- uproarious, unfettered, teary-eyed, cheek-aching, belly laughter (notably while watching Whose Line Is It Anyway)  83. Romantic Comedies  84. Stupid Jokes, Intelligent Humor, and Grasshoppers who walk into bars  85. Gregorian Chant  86. Tai Chi  87. Chai Tea  88. Serenity  89. Animal Companionship - this world and other world  90. Intimacy  91. Freedom  92. Nora Jones  93. Elvis (Thank you. Thank you very much.)  94. Kindness  95. Passion  96. Campfires and Fireplaces  97. Self expression through the arts, particularly Comics  98. The Spirit that lives in all things  99. My quirky, dorky, awesome family  100. All my accomplishments thus far and all the help I've received to get here  101. Breakfast

...And once again, Thank YOU for reading!


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

To Hel With Me

I recently had my first taste of a type of shamanism I had not experienced before. "Seidr" (pronounced "sigh-th") is a reconstruction of the Old Norse shamanic traditions, and, growing up in Minnesota, Norwegian influences were everywhere, forming a subtle texture to the wallpaper of my childhood, making me naturally drawn to things of Nordic origin.  I've always had a soft spot for the Norse gods -- enjoying the stories of Thor and the Midgard serpent as a child, identifying deeply with the purity of Baldr, and having personal connections with Odin, whether through talking with him first hand or seeing his ravens sent to watch over me on my Vision Quest.

I had been wanting to attend a Seidr "High Seat" ceremony for awhile, and situations finally conspired to allow me to do so. This ceremony is a mediumistic oracular ritual where human 'volvas' sit, literally, on a High Seat while seekers may come forward and sit on the floor before them to ask questions of the Norse dieties who speak through the volvas. 

As I sat with a friend awaiting the beginning of the ceremony, I mentioned to her that I was slightly, and unexpectedly, kind of anxious. She sort of chortled and said, "You know what that means. There must be something big you're going to get out of this."  I replied, with a grin, "I know. That's what I'm afraid of..."  She asked if I had a question for the Oracle and I replied, "Not that I know of." 

A pair of volvas ascended the High Seat where they sat side by side with veils covering their faces and their staffs of power in their hands.  The ceremony began when we started singing to them, the rhythm and melody guiding the priestesses to that place where they connect with the Divine. We knew when to cease our singing because each volva held an autumn leaf in her hand, and when their journey's destination was reached, they'd release the leaf to fall gently to the floor. 

This month, because it is the time of the year when the veil between the worlds is the thinnest, the deity speaking was the compassionate aspect of Hela, or Hel (Yes, it is she whom the Christian hell is named after), Norse goddess of the Underworld, the focus being on our beloved dead and on healing our ancestral lines. 

The first couple seekers were rather somber, as might be expected in interactions with any god or goddess of the Underworld, and I listened as almost every word spoken by Hela applied to my own path. However, since being at another crossroads myself and uncertain of my way, I decided rather than get informational run-off from others' questions, the direct approach was probably more appropriate. 

With a nod to and then returned from the woman who was leading the ceremony and monitoring the energies there of, I rise and move toward the volvas. "A seeker approaches," announces the leader as I take my seat on the pillow at their feet. 

It felt very "Delphic Oracle" to me, and I easily imagined myself in an earlier age as I looked up at the dark, hooded figures now focused on me, their faces shrouded in shadow. I was not the only one in the room to perceive a shift in the energy as I sat down. Not only did there seem to be a lightening of the previous somber mood and energy, but both volvas shifted in their seats, straightening up and relaxing their postures. 

There was no mechanical recording, so the following is from notes that someone wrote during the interaction.  I seem to recall things that weren't written down, but being in that numinous presence between the worlds at the time, where more than just words were exchanged, the majority of the experience dissolved almost instantly, like cotton candy, leaving nothing but the sweet taste behind.

Me:  I'm at a crossroads where much excites and scares me. I seek what information and wisdom you can give me as I begin my journey.

Hela:  (Laughing) I would not say you are a beginner. You are a brave man. Brave. (Extends hand) What you need is inside of you. You have more than you need.  The journey began long ago.  It is time.

Many times you have traveled, many times you seek.

Such joy.  There is a deep joy in you.

You are remembering a piece that has been lost of your lineage.  It is important that it is written down. That it is passed on to others.  You are an -- unconventional -- teacher.  A healer.  A man of honor.  You have done the work.  You have permission. There is much love for you.  You don't walk alone.  You will be welcomed wherever you wander. You go in kindness.

There is medicine for the earth in you.  The interweaving of lands.  Mixing the soils.  Nature is asking for your assistance.  There is a power to awaken what was dormant.

Step with care.  Don't get caught up in any specific way.  Listen -- you know how -- for which way is needed.  Do not be afraid to do this service.  It will come naturally.  However, sometimes guidance is helpful to distill.  Reconnect.  Do not get lost.

You can find joy in all things, but you do have a mission, and goals.  You have only been given those dreams you may accomplish.  Do not be afraid of your song.  All there is to do is show up.  Try.  It will happen.

You're creating a path.  This is easy for you.  Do not follow where others have gone.  Listen for what can be done.  Release that which can not.

There will always be crossroads.  You crossed the threshold long ago.  (Giggling) You already are that which scares you.  It is too late.  Rejoice in this.   

Trust. Trust it is within you already.  You are a force for good in this world.

We are pleased.  Do not despair.  We support you.  You do not walk alone.  With you goes great love. Always.

(Extends hand)... 

...You are blessed!

If I'd had doubts beforehand about my path and the direction I am headed, Hela quelled all those fears. I felt renewed empowerment and again trusted my own inner voice and guidance.  One of the woman who was a volva mentioned afterwards how much genuine affection they felt while Hela spoke to me.  

One thing that really popped out at me was the fact that at one point Hela had used the exact words "Medicine for the Earth."  This may not seem to have much significance until you realize that this is the name of a book, and of a 5-day course by Sandra Ingerman -- The woman I consider my personal shamanic teacher, who is the best I know of, and the most world-changing course I've ever taken which single-handedly transmogrified my perspective, and everything I believe, forever.  It is also a course I fully intend on teaching once I complete Sandra Ingerman's Two-Year Teacher Training that begins in April.

For now I'm still processing Hela's message. There is another High Seat I'm attending this coming weekend in which I'm looking forward to hear what the Norns (The Norse version of the Fates) have to say. We'll see if having such a 'Hel' of a good time is "Norn-al."  ;)