"Your path is to be shared...It will be called The Golden Thread Road"
~White Buffalo Calf Woman
PLEASE NOTE: This blog has run its course and is being continued at windbuffalo.blogspot.com. Thank you so much for reading!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Grandfather Raven, Brother Eagle

Last Sunday was a very interesting day. I suppose it shouldn't have surprised me, two separate otherworldly occurrences... um... occurring in the midst of such a Spiritually charged weekend (Between Jeshua, Gaia's Temple, and Jyorei), but they did, and both left me sitting back going, "Whoa!"

Sunday afternoon I had just gotten back from Gaia's Temple when a friend texted me. There were six ravens just hovering over her home calling back and forth to each other and she wanted to know what it was about. "...um ...MAGICK?!" was my smart aleck reply. "Duh!" she texted.

So I went into Medicine Card mode and started calling up what it means if Raven shows up in your card spread. "Raven is deep, mysterious, cosmic, creative magick and miracles." Then I tuned into them, and I quickly texted her back, "I think they are blessing your place! Six ravens like the six directions: North, South, East, West, Above (Father Sky), and Below (Mother Earth)! Holy crap!" I believe she replied with a similar explicative.

And as I sat there I started to hear singing in my head. I tried to process it and listen closer, it just feeling more and more familiar, until my mind was finally able to pinpoint where I'd heard it before. Holy crap! It was the same chanting I had heard from the Grandfather stones after spending the night in the sweat lodge on my vision quest! The same chanting I heard when the Grandfathers named me! "It's the Grandfathers! They're singing to you!"

Unbeknownst to me at the time, she was also texting another of her friends, who is very intuitive and very in tune with Native ways, and he was telling her almost the same thing. I sat there listening to the chants, tears filling my eyes, and I texted back, "Part of me thinks that's crazy. But I know it's true cuz I can't stop crying." Her response was something along the lines of, "I know. I can't see through my tears right now."


The second event happened that same night. I went to receive Jyorei (an energy healing technique in the same family as Reiki) at a weekly gathering at a friend's house. Toward the end of the evening I was in between personally receiving energy, but, having found out how powerful this energy work is, I closed my eyes and began taking advantage of the 'overflow' energy from an exchange taking place next to me.

I was just minding my own business, enjoying melting into the vibes, when suddenly Eagle appeared to me. It usually takes me a little bit to determine if these kind of visions are real or just random thoughts bouncing across my neural receptors. The eagle's head was pretty persistent in not dissolving from sight, so I concluded he was really there. He patiently waited for me to reach this conclusion before he spoke. And as his words floated through my head, I watched him spread his wings and soar through my mental skies, my perspective switching back and forth between watching him from below, and looking over his shoulder.

"Let others believe they are birds of the field. Your natural habitat is the heavens. The sky is your home. You are supported on the breath of the Mother -- effortlessly. All you need to do is open your heart by spreading your wings. You can not fall."

And with the last words he passed closely over my head, exposing his unprotected chest to me. It was a total "Aha!" moment as I realized the perfect trust he displayed, and the need to let go in order to fly. If you keep your wings tightly around yourself in protection, they are basically useless. You can not become airborne until you open yourself up. And when you do, you are carried by the winds with no effort on your part.

Since his appearance, I have felt Eagle's presence daily, particularly when walking through a challenge, helping me maintain my perspective as I feel his/my wings spread wide, in perfect trust that I am supported and safe, and true to my path.

Thank you Grandfathers. Thank you Brother.


  1. I have crows around me on a daily basis. Two in particular come into my living room space to share the food I put out for my dogs. I love listening their conversations. Archangel Cassiel has been using crows to let me know that he is around. I find their presence comforting. One morning they brought all their young and extended family for breakfast and they allowed me to walk by very closely without flying away.

  2. I love crows! When I was little we didn't have crows around town and the only place I saw or heard them were when we were camping. Then they were MAGICKAL and to me, waking up in the morning hearing the crows cawing in the tree tops was like hearing the spirits of the woods calling to me.

    What a beautiful connection you have with them and thank you for sharing! :)
