"Your path is to be shared...It will be called The Golden Thread Road"
~White Buffalo Calf Woman
PLEASE NOTE: This blog has run its course and is being continued at windbuffalo.blogspot.com. Thank you so much for reading!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Psycho-Pomp And Circumstance

It is so fascinating how different elements of the past mesh and meld to come together and create something greater than its parts. It makes me grateful for all my experiences, no matter how seemingly insignificant or negative, because the chaotic meanderings of the past suddenly fall into patterns from the perspective of the present. Martha Beck talks about living life backwards, starting from here and now and tracing it backwards to see all the little "random" and "chance" happenings that had to take place for you to be where you are now. "Oh! That's why that happened!" Suddenly these things aren't so random anymore and it becomes apparent how the Universe happens on purpose, for your highest good, to get you to where you need to go.

And so it is, I can look back and see all the things that have led up to this past week when I find myself taking on a role that totally makes sense to me, and I realize it's probably time I finally claim it. What role is that, you may ask? In my ever-expanding shamanic repertoire, I discovered I've become a Psycho Pomp -- or more accurately, an Animal Psycho Pomp.

Of course I know that you know what that is, but for the benefit of the others reading over your shoulder who might not, a psycho pomp is someone who guides souls that are crossing over to the afterlife. Traditionally through mythology this was the domain of the likes of Charon (the Greek ferryman of the dead), Hermes, the Valkyries, and Anubis. Those beings are still there and available for aid in this work, but especially with the excessive population growth, this kind of work is, and probably will be, more in demand as the volume of souls crossing over increases. From my understanding and experience, though, the ones most in need of this kind of work are those souls who died tragically and/or quickly, and don't realize they are dead. I won't go into the intricacies of how this overlaps with ghosts and hauntings, etc, mostly because that lies outside my personal experience and expertise, but if you are interested in learning more about that aspect, check out my friend Kelly's meetup group "Haunted Healings."

Where did this kind of thing start for me? I think being raised Catholic had a huge influence, giving me a great framework for the hereafter, not to mention the fact that I used to talk to my dead relatives all the time (although, at this point they weren't talking back... yet -- at least as far as I could hear). So, in the mid 90s when Oakbridge University -- the same group that does the Jeshua channelings I attend -- began doing a Spiritual Rescue Group, I already had a solid foundation to build on.

So, once a week I found myself sitting in a meditative circle with about 4 or 5 others, opening to help those who had passed on but didn't yet know it. Because their focus was still in this direction rather than moving on to the Light, our job was to connect with them and either help them understand they were no longer alive and turn them around toward the Light, or just get their attention so that light workers on the other side could come and help them.

So I sat there week after week after week -- and that's all I did. But even though I hadn't quite opened up to my psychic skills yet I had some interesting experiences all the same. One of the women would mention that the "little people" were present (and usually gathering around my feet), and I began to recognize the tingling feeling that would run between my feet and knees just before she would say something. Another time while I sat there, I felt this energy start whirling up from the floor all around me. It was so strong that one of the other people felt it and asked what was going on with me. I explained to the group what I was feeling and the one who had asked the question started to describe a woman who was embracing me -- A 'cousin-in-law' who I felt very close to and who had many months earlier taken her own life. The message she gave me through this other person in the group was gratitude for helping her after she passed (I had been praying and sending light and love like crazy!) and she said it was very easy to love me. At that point I felt a small peck on my lips -- kissed by her spirit, then she was gone.

Finally after months and months there came a significant night. I sat there as usual, a bit frustrated because everyone else was seeing things and helping spirits, and I didn't feel I was doing anything. Suddenly onto my mental screen burst this scene -- A man being dragged by his dogsled! I began talking really, really fast trying to catch all the details of what I was seeing. Then I discovered I didn't have to, because others started to describe the same scene, including details I hadn't yet gotten around to voicing. This man was so concerned for the safety of his dogs that his spirit kept hanging on to the dogsled, not realizing that he was dead. I don't know when his death had occurred -- There is no time in that realm so these scenarios can repeat in an endless loop until the person realizes what's happening -- and that's where we came in. Somehow by our talking to him, we broke that cycle and he was able to get the sled under control and stopped. Then I believe it was his dogs (all being dead as well, since this had happened long ago in our reality) who came and escorted him into the light.

Since then I have from time to time helped spirits who had suddenly come to me just out of the blue -- usually with the aid of Jeshua or deceased family members of the lost soul -- to find their way to the Light. But being who I am, I was constantly drawn to the animal kingdom, and would 'check in' with the spirits of road kill animals whenever I saw them. The interesting thing is that, very rarely did I need to help them find the light -- particularly 'wild' animals. Still, I did find myself helping others:

For the most part, at least from my experiences, even domestic animals don't tend to have that much trouble passing and moving to the light...

And so, this past week or two I shouldn't have been so surprised to find myself again in that role. Out of the blue, a friend from my psychic development class referred two separate people, one right after the other, to me because they each had a pet -- a cat and a dog -- who was close to passing. I am always pleasantly caught by surprise at people's faith in me, particularly since, though Animal Communication was originally the main focus for my path and work after that class, it is probably the area of least confidence for me.

The really funny thing is that, even when I was learning Animal Communication, I found it easier to communicate with dead animals than with live ones. In fact, one time we were assigned to read the pets of friends, preferably ones we hadn't met, and so I tried to talk to a friend's cat in Wisconsin. I got lots of info, and felt really good about it, until I got the feedback from my friend. It was something along the lines of, "Well, I could kind of see how that could be true and I suppose if you looked at it this other way, the other thing you said kind of fits..." Not quite the stellar validation I'd hoped for. On an intuitive hit, I asked her again if there were, or had been, any other animals there, living or dead, because sometimes the wires get crossed and I might be picking up on someone else. If it's possible to experience a dramatic pause through email, this was it. Then her response came back and her excitement burst at me from her words. EVERY thing I said fit perfectly with her cat that had passed some time before that. I had been talking to her dead cat!

Anyway, I won't go into details of these latest couple of cases in order to protect privacy (and because this entry has probably rambled on long enough already :)), but the best part of this kind of work is feeling the extreme joy and ecstasy the individual animal experiences once they are free of the confines of the physical body. The cat actually showed me his wings as he zipped around, and I kept seeing the dog in a dead run (no pun intended --) joyously sprinting across a field with tongue hanging out of her mouth, flapping in the wind.

Animals tend to be not as connected to the physical body as humans do, and I find, particularly toward the end of their lives, and especially during the seemingly most painful periods, their spirit is many times either partly or wholly not present, which allows them, firstly, to detach from the suffering and, secondly, to go off in order to explore the possibilities for the next step on their individual path.

And I find that it's not really for the animal's sake, at least directly (they hardly ever need help crossing over) that I do this, but it's more for the sake of the humans. It's usually more a case of bridging the worlds between animals and humans, to let the people know what they are, or aren't, understanding about what's happening. In the best circumstances it's a confirming to the people that they really are hearing and doing everything right according to the animal's needs and desires.

As with all my other shamanic experiences, it's really a case of just being willing to show up and allow whatever it is the Universe wishes to accomplish through me to happen. And also, as with all my other shamanic experiences, it is always a deep gratitude that I feel afterwards, no matter what level of confidence I went into it with, as I experience the relief and healing of others around me that comes as a result of my simply being who I am.

I love my job!

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