"Your path is to be shared...It will be called The Golden Thread Road"
~White Buffalo Calf Woman
PLEASE NOTE: This blog has run its course and is being continued at windbuffalo.blogspot.com. Thank you so much for reading!!

Monday, July 16, 2012

A Wild Thought

I'm just amazed by something that really make no sense to me. Be pre-warned that this may come off as a bit of a rant, because part of the reason it is being touched off right now is due to happenings not only in the bigger world but at my day job as well -- things that directly affect my day to day life. 

The thing is this -- Why are we so afraid of the wild?  Not just 'out there' but inside as well?  Why do we insist on trying to control things, making more and more rules and regulations, resulting in smaller and smaller boxes to try to live in?

You know there's that whole definition of insanity that is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  From my vantage point it seems that is what we continue to do, making more and more regulations, more and more restrictions, and expect things to get better despite the fact that it is in large part these deeper restrictions that are causing the very things we are trying to remedy to worsen.  The smaller and smaller the boxes, the harder and harder it is to keep things inside the box.  Haven't we tried this approach for long enough to realize it doesn't work?

All I'm saying is that I look forward to the day when we expand rather than contract when faced by challenges; The day that we trust the innate wildness of our natures and the wildness of our reality.  The same wildness and innocence resides in our hearts that lives in the wilderness of the forests and mountains.  I have never heard anyone look at woodland landscape, totally wild, random, and untended by human hands, and exclaim, "How ugly!" 

The same breath-taking beauty of  the wilderness exists in each one of us.  It is that feminine, intuitive principle that more and more people are starting to wake up and listen to; That wild and unpredictable still, small voice with in.  "Be still and know I am God." It is this that will balance and harmonize all that currently challenges us -- each person listening to their own still, small voice -- because it is that voice that connects us all.  It is that intuition that comes from the place where we are all one so that, rather than it being a cacophany of noises as everyone marches to the sound their own drum, as we each turn to that inner voice, we begin to play our individual melody which weaves together in beautiful strains and harmonies of the orchestra, because we are directed by the same source.

It will be wild ideas -- "out of the box" ideas -- that will 'save' us.

Wild huh?  Just a thought.


  1. It is interesting Wonder Twin that an arrrggg has escaped your lips. I was bombarded with barn swallow reminding me of "the birds of the field" who are taken care of, and at the same time dragonfly reminding me of the Grand Illusion. I moved into a harsh mental review of society, the way it works. and how the money comes down. Im sitting around consumed with these thoughts for a "minute" and then I remember the abundance under my feet. I had to make a tough decision - but when it was made - I felt so relieved. I smudged my space and resumed the place from which my Universe revolves...and Thanked them all. For we are all related. :-)

  2. I enjoyed the roar in this piece. Leonard Shalin wrote two books in search of an answer as to what happened in human history to have changed the sex of God. He talks about how society began to shift with the rule of law and the alphabet in the hands of those rule makers. How we have suffered from the imbalance. I think your voice and actions, including your new class you will be teaching, speaks to a most perfect remedy to the discord in corporate America. In a book called Sex, Time and Power/ How Women's Sexuality Shaped Human Evolution he has some cool myths that he teaches from. I do believe when more men like you speak up and make a stand for a stronger balance of feminine and masculine, then work places will become more efficient and vitalized. People work better in environments that are safe and nuturing I believe.

    I have learned how powerful softening and surrendering can be just by knowing you Patrick. My masculine side is ever more supported and strengthened from the gentle nuturance of my female self. Gratitude to you Patrick
