"Your path is to be shared...It will be called The Golden Thread Road"
~White Buffalo Calf Woman
PLEASE NOTE: This blog has run its course and is being continued at windbuffalo.blogspot.com. Thank you so much for reading!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeam

Off and on, since the early 90s, I’ve been attending a monthly channeling meeting where Jeshua Ben Joseph, Jesus, has been speaking through a friend of mine. Jeshua’s main teaching can basically be stated as “There is no separation”. Because of this, and one of the things that set him apart from other channels I’d been to, he told us that we had but to listen and he would talk to us. Individually. In our own minds. He is not separate from us.

Now, since I was a boy raised in the Catholic Church I have always talked to Jesus, but to have the chance for him to speak back? Heck yeah! Taking him at his word I began speaking to him. This time, though, pausing and quieting my mind to give him space to talk. And so have we been conversing back and forth ever since.

“But wait”, you might say, “I thought you were Pagan. Why are you talking to Jesus?” I have always felt a connection to him, and despite any disagreements I might have with various of his followers, I support anyone whose main message is Love. Plus my spiritual practice and views of today stand on the shoulders of my youth. Where others may see a reversal of beliefs, I see a natural progression. I still pray to the same God I always did. I can’t help it if in the mean time He grew a womb! The “Pagans For Jesus” support group meeting begins in 5 minutes… :)

The reason I mention these things is that they relate to some interesting developments in a couple of sessions I’ve had in the past couple weeks with my counselor (who I’ve realized is really more of a life coach than a counselor). I am so fortunate to have found a person who encourages me to listen to the voices in my head rather than trying to medicate me against them!

Anyway, in the first session I was telling my counselor something I’d asked Jeshua and what his answer was, and she excitedly asked, “Do you want to ask him about this now?” “Sure,” I answered. “Do you need me to close my eyes or leave the room or anything?” “No,” I grinned, closing my eyes , “You’re fine.”

It only took a moment to ask and hear his response before I reported his answer. I continued discussing it with my counselor like normal, only, for the first time ever, I kept hearing Jeshua piping in with his two cents worth. Normally I have to initiate an exchange with a question and I only hear an answer when I quiet myself. Here I was hearing Jeshua chiming in over and over on his own while the other two of us were speaking. This happened 3 or 4 times, my counselor more and more astonished each time, until finally she said, “Wow! He’s really chatty isn’t he!” I started giggling. “What’d he say now?” She asked excitedly. "He said, 'You don’t know the half of it!'” Having watched the whole channeling process from the very beginning with my friend, when Jeshua was just starting to make himself known to her, I recognized my moving one step closer to doing that myself.

The second incident came a week later. It had been a pretty run of the mill session and we were very close to the end. We were discussing all the ways, since leaving my marriage, I had become more and more my authentic self in almost every arena of my life. I think I mentioned before how facebook has helped me by showing my same face to everyone in my world, and starting this blog was a step further, really trusting my guidance and putting myself out there. The only place I haven't done so is with my parents. I mean my blog is open to everyone so it is probably inevitable that eventually they will find out about it and possibly read it. But they really don't know who I am, and perhaps it is a dis-service to keep them in the dark. But as time goes on and my life expands in so many directions, I truly have less and less things to talk to them about. Less and less do our worlds overlap, at least in a way that wouldn't freak them out.

So my counselor and I were discussing this and she suggested I write them a letter, reintroducing myself to them, tracing my growth back to my childhood, and showing them the natural evolution of my spiritual life. It may seem a small thing, but before I started this blog, I had nightmares about my parents finding out and what they would think or do. Not quite as bad as my nightmare where Pat Robertson became President, but darn close.

So obviously I have issues around this and need to address it because, if I'm not my authentic self in one aspect of my life, it undermines the rest of my life. And it became apparent (no pun intended) that to step into my full glory, I needed to step out of the shadow of what my parents think. I also need to allow them their own reactions and judgements of who I authentically am, and not wear a mask pretending to be more acceptable and less threatening in their eyes. I am who I am, and my life, beliefs, and experiences are valid and unchangeable by what anyone else may think or do.

So this is where the conversation was going, and my counselor concluded by saying, "I think that's the final piece of the puzzle!" That's when it happened. As she finished her sentence,the only 2 lights that were on in the room went out. No other lights in the house were affected and there was no reason for these ones to go off. My counselor, visibly shaken, kept asking, "Patrick! What was that?!" I just sat there with no answer as she stood up and turned the other house lights on and off to see if they still worked. Which they did.

She sat down again mentioning how she'd just been talking to someone about how sometimes street lights go out when she goes under them, a common occurrence for me too -- especially on walks with my best friend. But she'd never experienced anything this directly and blatantly before. Truthfully neither had I. I realized it was a sign, but it just seemed so natural that it didn't rattle me. I still didn't know what it meant, so she asked if I wanted to ask Jeshua. "Sure but let me go pee first!"

While in the bathroom I asked Jeshua what the meaning was behind the lights going out (I do a lot of talking to Jeshua in the bathroom). "You are the only light you need," was his answer and I felt him smiling. It was definitely a validation that my counselor and I were on the right track, and that no more needed to be said after her last statement. There was also a distinct feeling of some sort of graduation or something, like I had just crossed some line into greater understanding or something. The scene from the Kung Fu tv series popped into my head, where Caine snatches the pebble from his master's hand -- "Time for you to go."
I am the only light I need. Jesus really does want me for a sunbeam.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tao of Slug

It's been about 9 months since my vision quest, which I guess is a pretty good gestation period for something to be born into my understanding. It has taken that long for me to take one of the most powerful messages I received in that experience and to realize it into my daily life.

The first day of my quest, as I sat there alone in the woods of a National Park near Darrington Wa, I noticed a slug easing his way down an old dead fallen tree in front of me. I just watched him for a long time, finally asking him what his message for me was. "The un-hurried life," was his answer. I continued watching him and how mindfully he moved down the log, seeming to enjoy every moment and every new discovery his path afforded him. I could (and still can as I write this) feel the joy he experienced on his unhurried journey, feeling the warmth of the sun on his back, the musky smell of the decaying wood that filled and enveloped his senses, the cool refreshment of each drop of water he inhaled. This was a very joyful slug!

The next morning, when I woke to the drumming of the grouse somewhere nearby in the underbrush, I looked over at my hat that had been lying next to my head all night, and discovered a tiny silver trail that ran all the way across the brim. I had officially been claimed by another power animal! I considered myself now part of the Slug Clan, and had a lot of fun telling people one of my Totem Animals was Slug. It's interesting to note that, when I got home and looked it up in one of my power animal books, I discovered that Slug represents moving from the dark into the light. What a perfect description of a vision quest!

Flash forward to my recent trip to Portland. It was about this time that things started to sink in and I was beginning to really get the importance, and the empowerment, of mindfulness and being totally present. If anything, that slug was totally and completely present in the moment. I have been practicing since then, sometimes more effectively than others, but I now have experiential validation of these concepts rather than just book smarts. And things keep pointing me in that direction too. My friend that rode up to Seattle with me that weekend from Portland said something to me that has stuck with me - "Own your space!" This is what I continue to do, even when doing something I may not 'suppose to' be doing, such as texting a friend while working. Normally I would kind of "ghost out", almost as if I were sending part of me away so it won't get caught (like it would make me more invisible or something).

As I learn to keep myself here, and to feel whatever I'm feeling, even if I'm nervous about what I'm doing, I have noticed a great increase in self-confidence. It hasn't been that long since my experience at that cuddle party where I relived my teen years, feeling a total lack of personal validation, waiting for others to acknowledge me, and just the other day I found myself telling someone at this gathering that I've been finding lately I'm okay in a group, even of people I don't know, either chatting with others or just sitting by myself. What a huge change that is in such a short period of time!

It's interesting that this past year most of my spiritual experiences and lessons have been, in one way or another, Native American flavored. And through a very Native American (Lakota) ceremony I received a message that has returned me back to the East - to Taoism and Zen, which feed and nurture me in a way that no other path or way of being does. I have found nothing that speaks to the core of being like they do. I find myself being less anxious, and going with the flow easier. Taoism is sometimes called "the Water Course Way", nudging us to 'be like water' following the path of least resistance. This is not a path of hard servitude and stoicly accepting whatever suffering life, or God, throws at us, but it's a freedom of knowing that all things are connected and that things always work out. By doing nothing, nothing is left undone. Joseph Campbell said it this way: "Follow your bliss."

And so I continue following my bliss, learning to be like water - to be like Slug and learning to live the un-hurried life.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Ex Files

It has been a quiet week in Lake Wobegon... I recently, consciously, made the decision that I was ready to date again. After taking some time off from relationships, I'm feeling more comfortable in my own skin and feel a desire to attract someone special into my life -- this time taking it slow and trying not to fly before learning to walk.

The interesting part is that, since making that decision, I have in one way or another crossed paths with all my exes. I logged onto my LiveJournal account (which I don't use anymore) and it popped me to my ex-wife's journal. I was invited to a movie night last Friday, and when I accepted the invitation, I noticed ex-girlfriend #2 was also invited (she didn't show up). I was doing research for a series of tarot drawings I'm doing for my Art Book Circle, and I stumbled across this artist that was the absolute favorite of ex-girlfriend #1. I spent 7, surprisingly enjoyable, hours with ex-girlfriend #3 on the day before Valentine's Day, relieved to think that maybe we could still be friends, only to get a text the next day that she didn't want even friendship. Saturday night, after a birthday dinner for a couple other friends, we all walked through Seattle to get to a hotel where we could sit and talk over coffee, and the hotel turned out to be the one my ex-wife stayed at her last time out here from Kentucky.

To me it seems to be a sort of clearing of the playing field and making room for someone else to make an entrance. It's been like a parade, each one showing up, sometimes multiple times, just to demonstrate to me that my time with them is complete -- that I've truly released them from my path and that my feelings toward them are pretty neutral. I wish them well, but am not emotionally invested in their path. And I'm realizing how grateful I am to each of them for their roles in helping me become who I am now, for helping me narrow in on what it is I'm looking for in a relationship, and helping me to shed a lot of old ideas and self-images that were getting in the way of my self-worth, and therefore to attracting someone who is as incredible as I am! :)

My ideas of Love and relationships have changed radically in the 4 years (1... 2... 3... yeah, 4!) since I left my marriage (and yes, all 3 girlfriends occurred in that time period --my ex-wife having been my first ever girlfriend in a relationship that spanned 18 years), and I am, probably for the first time, feeling truly ready for Love. ...Atleast as ready as is possible with an unpredictable, intangible, mystery...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My Fair-(y) Lady

Since last summer I've had an art project going, but for some reason have been unable to finish it. A friend has a small cottage on her land, and we were hanging out there one day when she started talking about how she wanted a big faery on her wall. "Got a pencil?" I queried. "Now?!" She asked. "Mm-hmm," I nodded.

Shortly I had pencil in hand and was drawing the largest figure I think I've ever drawn, reaching nearly from floor to ceiling, and dominating the little cottage's wall. I remember stepping back and looking at her with eyes of wonder, as I seem to always do when drawing, "Did I really draw that?"

Finally, gathering up my courage, I began adding color, which was very intimidating because I'd never worked on that scale before, and it had been a while since I worked in color even on normal sized drawings. What made me choose the colors I did, I'm not sure, but I didn't get very far, stopping with just her face in color, because it felt more and more wrong. She was beginning to appear Vulcan. Needless to say, that was not the effect I was going for.

And so she has lingered for months, in her state of in-completion. I would check in on her when I went up to visit my friend and always got a twinge of guilt for not finishing her, as well as for the color scheme which put a knot in my stomach. Still I felt no energy to go in and fix her. Not yet anyway.

At the time my friend asked me what her name was and all I remember was that it started with an "A" and sounded similar to 'appaloosa'.

Meanwhile, life moved on and during that same summer I took a reiki class (in the same cottage with the 'green appaloosa' faery overseeing us), getting attuned to reiki II. I haven't been doing a lot with the energy healing other than mostly helping friends, but still I became aware of a guide that always showed up at those times to aid in the healing. She was tall, with large wings behind her, and she was blue. I started calling her my Blue Faery, especially because she reminded me of the one in the movie Pinocchio, having very similar gentle, loving, helping energy.

Then recently, I went to reiki workshop, seeing as I haven't done much with it and I wanted to discover more of its potential. It was an amazing evening, ending with us doing a sort of 'lightning round' with everyone there getting a couple of minutes on the table while everyone else sent healing energy. We were stacked 2 or 3 deep at times, putting our hands on the person in front of us to combine our energies going to the person on the table, and all I could think of was that beautiful scene from Avatar where they were healing Sigourney Weaver's character and all the people were reaching out to touch each other, literally creating a web of healing. How cool is that?!

Before that point, though, we had paired off and were taking turns doing reiki on each other. When the woman who was my partner started giving to me, I saw my Blue Faery again and she gave me her name -- Alphalucia. Shortly after that I realized her name meant "First Light" (and as I write this it has occurred to me that Lucius, the name of my drum bag also means "Light"!). Then I remembered my cottage faery whose name sounded like appaloosa. It's her!!

It took until the next day for all of this info to filter through, and as soon as it did, I texted my friend. I now had a name and I knew why I hadn't finished her yet. She's supposed to be blue!

The pencil drawing of Alphalucia with some faery orbs appearing in the picture

Friday, February 12, 2010

Am I Blue?

I don’t remember a movie that has affected me like Avatar has. Even in line at the theater, when I really didn’t know much about the movie, I felt a strange anticipation. The closest experiential approximation I could draw on was waiting to see Star Wars. However, this experience blew Star Wars out of the water.

I was totally and completely drawn into the movie, at times requiring the friend sitting next to me to remind me to breathe, and/or ask if I was alright. I mean I was that much inside the movie. When it was over, and I again remembered to breathe, my friend turned to me and asked, “Did that seem more like a memory to you than a movie?” “Yes!” I exclaimed, “That’s exactly what it felt like!” I knew these places, these beings, these experiences.

A few days later another friend saw it for the first time. Shortly thereafter I got a text from her asking the same thing. “Don’t call the people with the padded room yet, but did it seem like a memory to you? Like it actually happened?”

I discovered sometime after that, that James Cameron wrote the screen play many years ago, when he was sick with a fever. Pandora was the planet he went to in that state. Now, I understand that to some people that would cast the whole thing into the realm of fantasy or hallucination, but I have the opposite reaction. That information just solidifies it as a valid reality to me.

…But wait. There’s more!

Recently a couple of things brought the whole matter closer to home. First, I had a dream one night that I was one of the Nav’i. The most significant thing about this dream was that this fact seemed insignificant. It was like a “day in the life” type thing – like a memory. I had just made a kill, bringing down some sort of bird with an arrow. That’s it.

The second incident happened on my way down to Portland. I’d stopped at a rest stop, and after visiting the men’s room, was walking back to my car. As I passed this tree beside the path, I instantly had this recollection, like a physical muscle memory, of what it would feel like to spring into the branches – including what my tail would be doing!

If I dare take it a step further, I’ve been musing about how closely this second experience resembled how I felt as a kid after watching a Tarzan movie, when I couldn’t keep myself from running outside and climbing a tree. In fact there were a couple points in the movie where I was able to pull myself out of it far enough to think, “Man! What a cool Tarzan movie they could make like this!!” More recently this has brought me to speculating that perhaps my draw to Tarzan as a kid was the familiarity that those stories and movies awakened in me with unconscious memories. Another interesting twist is that, as a kid, one of my main comic characters was a feline version of Tarzan – perhaps a manifestation of these connections, and a buried memory of my ‘blue kitty’ self? As a kid, I actually had several dreams where I was this jungle cat-man. Hmmm.

Truth is, I don’t know, and can’t say for sure what is truly going on here. The fact is that it probably doesn’t matter. Still it sure is fun to think about, and the movie did touch something deep, deep down inside of me. In the end that is the important part – All of this brings me joy and makes me feel more alive. That is always a good thing.

Oel Ngati Kameie‏

Friday, February 5, 2010

X Blessing

I recently found this poem I had written a while back for one of my ex-girlfriends (still not sure how that word became plural!). Because things did not end smoothly, I wasn't able to give it to her, but at least in having written it I believe my feelings have been sent out into the universe and, I hope, have helped heal things between us on some level.

I reprint it here as a blessing to, and letting go of, all my exes, as I move forward on my own path. Thank you for the lessons and the love in whatever capacity we shared them. oxox

May your gods and guides protect you

May your journey ever go

With the blessings of the seasons

By the light of faery-glow.

May your heart resound with laughter

As it's overfilled with Love

From the fountain spring with in you

And the waxing moon above.

Through your trials and your triumphs

May your light forever sing

As you weave the splendored beauty

Of the sparkling crow-bird's wing.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Pee Here Now

This past Friday I went down to meet my friend who was doing photo shoots in Portland. It was a bit of a rough trip because the past couple weeks have been a little challenging for me, as I was feeling out of sorts, depressed, and physically and emotionally unwell. A variety of different issues have been in my face lately concerning work and what I want to do with my life and if I really can pull off all the things I'd like to do. I tend to think of myself as an optimist and, as an ex-girlfriend was fond of saying, "A Dope-less Hope Fiend", but I was starting to question all of that. Maybe I was just a depressed dork who was fooling himself and was just wasting time believing he'd amount to anything. I was unhappy and maybe that was my natural state and it would never get better. I know that sounds harsh, but that's what I felt like. My stomach and solar plexus chakra -- the place that holds personal power -- was in constant pain and tossy-turviness.

Finally I remembered what I had been told a while back in my Psychic Development class when my teacher decided to channel in order to demonstrate the process for us, and allowed us to ask a couple questions. Bartholomew, the entity coming through her, told me, "You always forget that this is how you feel before you make a big leap forward." Ah-hah! Okay. So I just decided I was about to make another shift, and though that didn't help the discomfort all the way, on some level it definitely helped as I stopped fighting the feelings and judging myself for feeling the way I did. Again I found myself allowing the feelings, whatever they were, and being present with them.

The other thing that helped was what a friend shared with me about something she learned at a class with this Medicine Man we both know. He told them to just breathe, and as you breathe, breathe in "love" and breathe out "love" -- or whatever it is you want to experience. It is so simple and yet so totally profound! I walked around at work all day breathing in 'happiness' and breathing out 'happiness', or groundedness, or centeredness, or whatever, and it did miracles. I realized that I was focusing on my breath -- the number one thing in most, if not all, meditation forms -- as well as repeating a single focused intent, which means there wasn't room for other counter thoughts in my mind. In other words I was being present with my breath, and filling myself and the world around me with what I wanted to create.

Anyway, as I was heading down to Portland I 'd remember to do the breathing. Than I'd forget. Then I'd remember. Then I'd give up on it. Then I'd do it again. It was quite the mixed bag, and it wasn't the most fun I'd ever had on a road trip. At the same time, I just kept surrendering to it, allowing the feelings, keeping focused in my mind, even as my body and heart contracted, that this was all serving a purpose. To my way of thinking, whatever this was, it was what I had to pass through to get to where I wanted to be. This was part of the growth process --the uncomfortable peeling away of old, out-dated thoughts and feelings. I likened it to that brief time of radio silence that astronauts pass through on their way into orbit, and wondered if this was, at least partially, what they talk about as a dark night of the soul. You are totally driving on faith, knowing you're going somewhere when all your other senses try to tell you otherwise.

Whatever it was I figured I had to get through it, as opposed to recoiling from it. If I want to keep growing, I'd have to go through this sooner or later, so may as well make the discomfort and confusion worthwhile and a singular event, rather than something to keep backing away from time after time of starting to feel it. And what did/does it feel like? It literally felt like I was pushing my way slowly through a film. A film that was sticky, prickly, and resistant yet pliable. I felt I was being pushed through the limits and boundaries of my world. And it felt very similar to the period of my life when I was experiencing anxiety attacks. Very uncomfortable, and I rolled back and forth between allowing it and fighting it.

Finally I got to Portland and, having been stuck in the wrong lane on the freeway, I missed the final rest stop before arriving in the city. I drove around to find the place I was suppose to, hours later, meet my friend, and by this time I had to pee really bad. I became very unfocused as I searched for someplace I could go into and use the bathroom, preferably a Starbuck's so I could pee and get a chai. Meanwhile I'm doing the potty dance as I'm driving (not recommended!) and starting to get very nervous as I'm fighting the feeling building in my bladder. Suddenly it struck me, and all of what I'd gone through the previous three hours on the road hit home. I realized I was not present. I was floating somewhere outside my body trying to avoid the discomfort and keep control.

Totally against my natural proclivities, I relaxed. I breathed. I moved my consciousness back into my body, just becoming aware of what I felt. On some level, everything we experience is just that -- an experience. Approached with curiosity -- "What does this really feel like?" -- I felt the pressure lessen and not feel so urgent. It was still there, but only as an indicator that it was time to take a certain action.

It reminded me of times when I allowed myself to feel hunger -- to experience it rather than blindly react to it. Remain conscious of it objectively and observe how it feels. No good or bad. Just "is-ness". Cool!

Of course, when I finally pulled into a grocery store and got the bathroom key, well, I worked at remaining present then too. It's all experience. It's all God/Goddess/Divine. Be here now. Pee here now.