"Your path is to be shared...It will be called The Golden Thread Road"
~White Buffalo Calf Woman
PLEASE NOTE: This blog has run its course and is being continued at windbuffalo.blogspot.com. Thank you so much for reading!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sleeping In Heavenly Peace

Last week had been a big week for lessons. The biggest lesson being: I am not alone; Nor am I expected to handle everything on my own. It's funny because I couldn't possibly count the number of times I've told people that same thing in Medicine Card readings -- usually upon the appearance of Ant in the cards, bringing the medicine of Patience, along with the knowledge that you have an entire hive working with you. You are totally supported and no matter how small your piece of the puzzle looks, there are countless others working with you, carrying their own piece of the puzzle, toward the same goals.

It was kind of a lesson in 2 parts, starting roughly over the weekend when I was not feeling like myself. I was anxious and twitchy, over-stimulated and awash with self-doubt, going through an emotional ringer and feeling very much alone -- and yet needing to be alone. I had a couple of plans that weekend which I cancelled because I really did feel the need to be alone and go inside to sort things out. This actually resulted in 3 different friends who I haven't talked to in months, calling me, and each conversation made me cry as each one reconnected with me and reminded me of who I am, and what I mean to them. One friend called specifically because she heard I had cancelled the plans because I'd hit a rough patch and she wanted to make sure I was alright. And being a Vedic Astrolger, she knew she had information that would help give my feelings a context on a higher perspective. Not only am I not alone because I have friends that care about me -- even after months of no contact -- but also in being connected to others going through very similar trials on their path of growth because of the ebb and flow of cosmic energies, as well as the synchronized growth of the collective unconscious.

Then I found out that one of my closest friends was in the hospital, and the doctors weren't sure what was wrong. I tried to set my crummy feelings aside and went to see her for a couple days in a row to cheer her and to give her reiki. After the second night I was in pretty bad shape. I had a terrible head-ache and was getting progressively more nauseous. I thought I had put pretty good protection around me, like my teacher taught us, and I had called on my guides to walk with me and hold me in light, but still found the atmosphere there to be extremely oppressive with feelings of despair and hopelessness, as well as this very uncomfortable separation from the earth and anything natural.

Anyway, when I got home the second night, another friend called me to see how I was doing, and when we got off the phone she started working long-distance healing on me, helping to clear all of my chakras. Meanwhile, I prayed to my guides for help, particularly Jeshua and Mother Mary. Jeshua is always there, and I have a very strong connection with Mother Mary -- I think I've mentioned before how every night as a teenager, while lying in bed saying my rosary before falling asleep, I would feel her presence hovering over me and felt her energy wrap around me like angel wings. Well, that was exactly what I asked for now. I needed comforting, and I needed revitalization big time. And I needed to know that all this stuff is real -- that I really wasn't alone and did have guides looking over me.

As I fell asleep I felt Jeshua standing at my bedside, Mary's familiar angel wings enveloping me, and I got the image of my Upper World guide, Fred, pulling up some covers to tuck me in. I felt totally surrounded in, and infused with love -- totally relaxed and soaking it in like a sponge. And again I wonder, " How could I ever doubt these things?!" I don't remember the last time I had such a restful night's sleep!

The next morning on my way to work, feeling 500% better, Jeshua told me, with that ever-present twinkle, "Stop pushing so hard and enjoy the ride for awhile!" Duh! I had been really pushing lately, thinking it was up to me, and me alone, to figure out everything in my life and forgetting that I am not alone and all I really need to do is let go and allow things to flow, be like water, and trust.

Okay. So I will stop 'pushing the river' and will try to remember that all I have to do is steer the ship -- There are others whose job and joy it is to fill my sails.

Thank you guys! Second star to the right and straight on til morning!...

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