"Your path is to be shared...It will be called The Golden Thread Road"
~White Buffalo Calf Woman
PLEASE NOTE: This blog has run its course and is being continued at windbuffalo.blogspot.com. Thank you so much for reading!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

All Possums Go To Heaven

Many years ago I developed the habit of  'checking in' with any animals I saw who had been killed on the road, just to see if their spirits were still hanging around and if they needed help crossing to the light. The vast majority of the time, particularly with wild animals, they are alright and have already passed. Still there are some that need a little aid. I helped a cat recently and was pleased when, out of the portal of light that appeared next to her, Jeshua emerged, reached down, and gathered the purring kitty into his arms to carry her back into the light.

It's funny, but after all this time of doing this, it just does not get routine -- new things happen all the time that make me sit back in awe.  A few days ago I tuned into an opossum on the side of the road who'd been hit by a car.  I asked if he was alright and he said yes. I saw the familiar bright light and knew for sure he was taken care of. But there was something unfamiliar about this light as well.  Instead of being a round portal, the way it normally appears, this light formed a long, horizontal seam whose two edges parted and widened slightly, allowing the opossum to crawl up into it before it narrowed and closed. 

As I realized what just happened, I was blown away.  Opossums, though they live here in North America, are marsupials, and like kangaroos, carry their young in pouches.  What I'd observed was this opossum returning to the pouch of his mother, the Great Mother. And of course, the Mother of us all is also the Goddess of Opossums.


  1. Hi Patrick! You gave me a reading not too long ago at the psychic fair at Gaia's Temple. Although I don't presently have the ability to check in with animals as you do, your story of the possum reminded me of an event in my life that still amazes me. (Oh, and possum was one of the cards that came up in my reading, fyi.) It was probably 8 or 9 years ago, when I was living in Michigan. I was driving home late at night and I saw two little glowing eyes facing me in the road. I was heart-broken to see a possum that had been hit by a car, but was still alive. I have always had a deep fear of hitting an animal, and where I was living at the time, I unfortunately saw a lot of "road kill," including deer. Anyway, I stopped my car in front of the possum and spoke to it, trying to comfort it through my tears. Knowing I could do little to help it, I did what seemed right at the time, which was to pick it up off the road and place it on the grass, and pet it while it died. Unfortunately, a police car stopped and two officers got out and proceeded to scold me for stopping my car in the road. When they saw the possum, one of them said, "You stopped for a POSSUM?!" then, "I suppose YOU hit it." Later, when I was telling a shaman woman I knew about the experience, she told me that possums are extremely dangerous animals with razor sharp teeth, and that it must have understood I was there to help, otherwise it probably would have attacked me. Either that or it was too far gone to defend itself. Regardless of the reason, when I think back on that experience, I feel good, special. Those cops couldn't understand that I could care about a possum, but I'm relieved today to know there are many people who can and do understand. Thanks for letting me share! Faith

  2. Hi Faith! I remember you. Thank you for checking out my blog. And thank you so very much for sharing your story! It and you are very special and I am so grateful to meet such a kindred spirit. You made my day! :)

  3. Possum Mother NancyJuly 16, 2011 at 7:25 AM

    Thank you, Faith, for staying with that possum while he passed. Possums are not inherently dangerous. They prefer to be ignored and are generally very passive. While they do have razor-like teeth, they don't carry rabies like raccoons--it's thought that their body temperature is not high enough to incubate the virus. I always tell people that raccoons just have really good P.R. agencies, and possums are much nicer. And they only bite when cornered and scared out of their minds. What people call playing possum is a possum that is so frightened that it actually passes out from fear. I have rehabbed many babies and released them to the wild, and have shared my home with 4 over the past 10 years, who could not be released because of severe injuries they sustained. They are lovely animals. It's just most people only see them flattened on the road. And...there is the small matter of that hairless tail. But, like I said...they just need a good P.R. agency. ;-) Nancy

  4. Oh MY..What GREAT O'Possum stories! I'm like Nancy! I have rehabbed several O'possums and have had 4 (wow, just like NANCY!) captives that didn't meet release criteria. 4 days ago my opossum passed away. He was 4.2 yrs. old which is great longevity for an O'possum--doubling+ the max span of a captive. Well, as always, when one of my opossum passes, I am concerned about their soul and want to know what happens after death. I absolutely love Patrick's caring generosity when he checks on the roadside critters to make sure they cross over---which BTW, answers my question and gives me TREMENDOUS relief! We just buried my O'possum "Trapper" today. Named him this because he was found with his neck fractured from being caught in a rat trap. Patrick, my husband & I are both avid cyclists (bicycle) and we both come across dead opossums on the roadside. Often times, we will put them to the side of the road, then drive back later and take them home to the glen beside our home & dig a proper hole & bury them. Sometimes I also do this with birds & squirrels. I have also rehabbed birds that get windshield injuries,,,that have actually survived the event (not many do though). Anyway, I REALLY want to thank you Patrick & Nancy for being the kind shepherds of these wonderful critters. O'possums are really the sweetest animals and I feel they truly deserve another life, and a much longer life-span too! I've had a few different pets that have live their lifetimes with me and passed of old age and I can honestly tell you that even though I loved them just as much as my O'Possums, I have never-ever grieved so much sadness and felt so much loss as I do with my opossums. If either of you are interested in seeing my memorial pictures of my Opossum Trapper, I can give you the facebook link or email it to you. Just email me. kteske333@cox.net
    Much love to you :)

  5. Patrick,
    I forgot to also mention that I really enjoyed reading Faith's story as well. She really has a huge heart to do what she did :)

  6. Thank you Kelly! It always warms my heart to make connections with like-minded souls doing such wonderful work. :)

    Much love back to you
