"Your path is to be shared...It will be called The Golden Thread Road"
~White Buffalo Calf Woman
PLEASE NOTE: This blog has run its course and is being continued at windbuffalo.blogspot.com. Thank you so much for reading!!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

All My Relations

There are many lessons coming out of my recent experiences with a potentially life-threatening situation, some of which I'd already known on a mental level, but that were really brought home by this experience.  The one, though, that has really struck the deepest is the one about the true Oneness of the Universe. 

A few months ago I posted about how I'd done a shamanic journey to meet the spirit of Zoloft (Quest For The Hol-Z Grail), and inspired by that experience I wanted to connect with the spirit of Warfarin - the blood thinner I am on to give my body the chance to reabsorb the blood clot they found in my leg.  I didn't do a full journey, but I went into a meditative state and asked to meet the aforementioned spirit.  What happened next was nothing I could have predicted.  A smokey, spiraling cloud rose up before me, reminiscent of I Dream of Jeannie, and then at the top of the pillar of smoke appeared the torso of a man.  Though they were closed, I swear I rolled my eyes, because I recognized the man in question.  It was Jeeves, the famous butler (...sorry - "Valet") from the P.G. Wodehouse books.  Part of the eye roll was because I'd just been watching the television series starring Fry and Laurie. 

This Jeeves-genie looked at me, in his ever calm and collected manner, and with a very subtle hint of a smile, said...
Here was the spirit of an artificial, human-made, medication -- something I would have fought in the past -- connecting and assuring me 'he' was here to do his best to serve me and my healing.  Now I am still prone to choose natural medicines over artificial ones, but what this reminded me -- as did the journey with Zoloft -- is that everything really is One and that the Universe will use whatever is in front of you to bring you home.  One quote I've never forgotten came from a workshop I attended years ago with the channeled being Bartholomew.  He said, "Whatever it is, it is God."  There is only One substance, One energy, One being.

This just fanned the fires of my passion for Shamanism as I realized this whole approach to life is about connecting with things -- the spirits of things -- and recognizing the Spirit That Lives In All Things.  Who is there to threaten or fight with us when there is only one of us here?  As I wrote in a song many years ago...

When we know who we are
Then we are free
And there's no such thing as 'they'
Because there is only 'we'

And it reminded me of an experience I had drawn a comic about, from a guided meditation I'd done...

Recognition of the oneness of life and the Spirit of all things, is central to shamanism.  And, though it has not hushed all my human and egoic fears and worries, I find that attitude ever more deeply rooted in the way I approach things.  As I sat there one day, allowing my leg recuperation time, I realized that my body is not the enemy.  Even the clot that, had it gone undetected could have eventually taken my life, was not an enemy.  Everything happens with a purpose and there truly is a gift in everything. 
And more importantly, there is Spirit in everything -- even according to Quantum Physics everything has consciousness, or perhaps more accurately is a consciousness. Everything is part of the same system, the same consciousness -- as I have heard from Jeshua for close to 20 years, "There is no separation."  With no separation, the Universe and everything in it becomes part of a dance, not a battle.  Everything is relative.  Everything is my relative.  No matter what it is, it is All My Relations!

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