"Your path is to be shared...It will be called The Golden Thread Road"
~White Buffalo Calf Woman
PLEASE NOTE: This blog has run its course and is being continued at windbuffalo.blogspot.com. Thank you so much for reading!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


The other night I was watching an episode of Farscape, and this mad-scientist-alien-dude was stealing DNA from other creatures in a quest for perfection. At some point the whole thing just struck me as so completely implausible. No, not the strange alien races, technologies, or environments. Perfection.

I suddenly could not conceive of the idea as anything but pointless and illusory. Pointless because perfection, if it were possible, would be death. There would be no room for change or growth. It would be its own demise because there would be no where to go after that pinnacle. An evolutionary dead end. Like a lot of careers that if taken to their ideal conclusion would put themselves out of a job.

Illusory because it does not, can not, exist. It is a linear concept, and the world, the Universe, is not linear. Everything exists in circles and spirals. "Space is curved!" There are no peaks or pinnacles on a circle. Life is a game of rock-paper-scissors -- there is no one or no thing that is greater than another, that doesn't have a balancing element.

It is a closed system. Everything is one. There is no such thing as "perfect". It is just a concept and a judgement but does not exist outside the mind. Pff!

Incidentally, I looked up rock-paper-scissors on line, and there was a diagram of rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock (from Big Bang Theory). What struck me as interesting was that, not only was it circular, but it has a pentacle in the middle. :) How perfect is that?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting the Spock-Scissors-Paper-Rock-Lizard diagram. If you think that it is interesting that it is a pentagram, you should googl images of "interaction of five chinese elements." I have long been convinced that Wicca and Chinese lore share a common root. I can name at least twenty parallels between the two. The pentagram diagram which both say is a diagram of the interaction of elements and must be read clockwise to make sense is one parallel. The witch's hat on the mummy in the Gobi Desert in China is another. Numeralogy, astrology, herb lore, dragons, ... the list goes on!
