"Your path is to be shared...It will be called The Golden Thread Road"
~White Buffalo Calf Woman
PLEASE NOTE: This blog has run its course and is being continued at windbuffalo.blogspot.com. Thank you so much for reading!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

For Those Of You Just Joining Us

It's hard to believe it has been only a year since I began this blog, so much has happened and changed in the course of 2010, and it feels appropriate to me as the year renews itself to look back and remind myself why I started it in the first place.

A little over a year and a half ago I went on a vision quest -- 3 days of sitting alone in the woods, fasting and communing with the spirits to receive a vision of my life and its purpose. This is a sacred ceremony given to the Native peoples by White Buffalo Calf Woman, so a few weeks before the ceremony I meditated and prayed to her in gratitude for allowing me to take part in one of her ceremonies even though I wasn't "one of her people." Without warning, she appeared to me, smiling, and said, "You are one of my people, as much as if I'd given birth to you myself." I believe there was a tear or two involved after that...

Anyway, as I sat in the woods near Darrington, WA, on the second day of my quest, a number of spirits came to visit and talk. Jeshua told me, "You are enlightened. You're not fooling anyone else so stop fooling yourself." He faded away to be replaced by Sitting Bull. "THE Sitting Bull?!" I asked, more excited by his appearance than the fact that I had just been casually conversing with Jesus. "You honor us by taking part in our rituals, and though we may not be your ancestors of blood, we are your ancestors of spirit." That was the cue for the reappearance of White Buffalo Calf Woman who held her open hands out to me, revealing the Medicine Wheel that I was wearing in my hair for this weekend. It is the one pictured at the top of this page, that I made and wrapped in red leather, representing the Red Road -- the way of the Native peoples -- and around that I wove a golden thread, representing my personal path. This has been a very powerful symbol for me since the late 80s when in meditation I saw my life as a golden thread stretching lazily through the skies, without end in front of and behind me. This was my immutable, indestructible, and unique path, dependant on nothing and no one for its existence.

Now as she held out this talisman to me, she told me, "Your path is to be shared. Whether it winds through the Red Road, the Yellow Road, or whatever road it may follow, it will be called The Golden Thread Road. ”

It was during this quest that I realized how much I had learned and experienced over the previous 20-something years on my spiritual path, and how much I had to share. At the same time I realized how far I have to go and how much I still had to learn. A very empowering yet humbling experience!

And there was so much more that happened that weekend, which I intend posting about when it feels right, but for now that is the origin of this blog and why I began it. A blog seemed the best way to share my path, and so I continue to relate here, by divine request, my journey as it unfolds, and I hope by my experiences and insights that perhaps others may benefit as well.

And I am so deeply honored that others find my personal lessons and what I have to write worth their time and attention.

Thank you!

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