"Your path is to be shared...It will be called The Golden Thread Road"
~White Buffalo Calf Woman
PLEASE NOTE: This blog has run its course and is being continued at windbuffalo.blogspot.com. Thank you so much for reading!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Oh Bouy!

I was driving to work Friday morning and began talking to Artemis. I've been slowly surfacing from a small emotional nose-dive last weekend, and though I have been steadily feeling better every day, it still felt like there were shreds of heaviness clinging to me. I wanted to know what was going on and why these feelings were still lingering while I was regaining my normal, positive and hopeful attitude.

"Beloved," Artemis whispered into my mind with a smile, "You have already won. The shadows are falling around you. Let them go. Don't give up, just surrender. You are doing well. Very well."

It reminded me of something I'd heard a long time ago about the soul being like a beach ball (I more recently heard Abraham Hicks (LOVE him!!!) use the same analogy, only with a cork) and no matter how hard you try to hold it underwater, it always, sooner or later, bobs up to the surface. A lot of effort and energy get expended, and cumulatively so, to hold it down for any period of time. Like our souls, it knows where it belongs, what its essence is (air), and it is a letting go and surrendering that allows it to return to it's source. It actually takes more effort to maintain our belief in what we aren't, in the darkness and seeming evil of the world and our own unworthiness, than to let go and allow our true selves to carry us naturally to our true being.

One day at work, after having just heard Abraham's analogy of the cork, I was feeling kind of down and heavy. Suddenly I realized that I was feeling like that because I was actually holding on to the uncomfortableness, and just as if it was a large stone I was holding onto under water, it kept me from surfacing into my true essence. By consciously over riding the programming of society and the identities we cling to in this world of dichotomy, my mood lifted significantly. Just like that. Holy crap! It's the old saying of being in the world but not of it.

Of course I continually forget about that, and when I'm in those heavy dark places it's harder to muster the belief that such a thing is possible. But during this entire Winter that has been a significant lesson for me, especially as I got more familiar with my Pelican spirit guide, Meryl. Pelican Medicine is exactly the whole beach ball/cork thing. She allows us to dive into the depths, but we never get too deep, and it's inevitable that we resurface. Buoyancy!

And so with Artemis' message I remember, even when the darkness is still hanging around, the darkness is not who I am. Neither is it evil. It is a necessary part of life for growth (and a very appropriate subject as Spring arrives and the goddess Persephone returns to the surface world from her 6 month stay in the Underworld.) like the seed growing in the darkness of the soil before blooming full force into the sunlight.

And so my Pelican/beach ball/Persephone soul again remembers its essence and lets go of the illusions it had mistaken for its own identity, as I rise buoyantly back into the light, joy, and spirit which I truly am.

Thank you dear, wise Artemis.

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