"Your path is to be shared...It will be called The Golden Thread Road"
~White Buffalo Calf Woman
PLEASE NOTE: This blog has run its course and is being continued at windbuffalo.blogspot.com. Thank you so much for reading!!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Must Be Santa

Yesterday at work as we were listening to Christmas music on the radio (My radio day :)), they announced that there would be a moment of silence to honor those affected by the recent shootings at a Connecticut school.  When that moment came, I stopped where I was, closed my eyes and tuned in to that area to see if there were any additional psycho pomp aid I could offer the children who had been killed.  Often in such traumatic deaths there can be a great sense of disorientation, and spirits sometimes need help in crossing over to the light.  I have been doing this kind of work for around 15 years, and still was surprised by what I experienced.

At first all I saw was brilliant light and there was a sense of deep peace.  Not being guided to do anything else I just bathed in those sensations, adding my own light to what was already there.  Then suddenly something appeared in the sky and soared to the ground.  It was Santa Claus in his sleigh, reindeer and all!  The jolly old elf ushered all the delighted children into his sled, laughing and joking and ho-ho-ho-ing the entire time, and when they had all squiggled in to the now very crowded sled, he snapped the reins with an extra jolly laugh, and soared back into the sky, disappearing into the light. 

I've been working with spirits for years, as I said, to help departed souls finish their journeys, so I know their shape-shifting abilities to become anything that will be helpful and meaningful in order to aid these dear ones.  This was just so completely and sublimely perfect. Who else but Santa would come, this close to Christmas, to take a group of grade school children home?

Overwhelmed, I opened my eyes and felt the emotions rising in me. "No," I thought, "I can hold it."  A moment later I realized, "No I can't!" and literally dashed to the bathroom where I allowed the tears to well up in uncontrolled sobs.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

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