"Your path is to be shared...It will be called The Golden Thread Road"
~White Buffalo Calf Woman
PLEASE NOTE: This blog has run its course and is being continued at windbuffalo.blogspot.com. Thank you so much for reading!!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Matter of Context

A couple blog posts ago (Hitting the Shower) I was mentioning the many challenges I've been facing these past few months (including a blood clot, abscessed tooth, and various financial weirdness) and what lessons and messages I was gaining from these experiences.  Not long after the occurrences of that post, I went to the monthly channeling session I've mentioned in the past where a friend of mine channels Jeshua (aka Jesus).  I've been going to these sessions for close to 20 years now, and what I've learned from Jeshua has really become my default setting in all things spiritual.  Or, since all things are spiritual, I should maybe just say "all things."  Those teachings can be expressed in the simple phrase, "There is no separation."

And so I asked Jeshua about those challenges and for his help in giving them more of a context on what was really going on.  The following is a transcript of that very enlightening conversation...


Jeshua: Beloved brother, how are you in this evening?

Patrick: Still pretty good (Yes, you’re very good. What would you speak of?) It’s been a tricky few months. This month’s probably been the trickiest, but a lot of financial and physical health and different things coming up and a lot of facing your own mortality type thing (Ah, yes) And bang, it was like one thing right after the other. It was like I would get one challenge, and before that one would get resolved, I would get another challenge, and then before that one got resolved…Finally, this past few weeks I had some trouble with a tooth and I had some of the worst pain I think I’ve ever had in this lifetime. It’s just these different challenges, and I was hoping to get your perspective on things, get like a better context for what’s going on and why and where it’s leading.

Jeshua: You have decreed that in this lifetime you want to know completion with physical, with physical challenges such as providing for yourself, the monetary, the dwelling place, the occupation where your heart opened, and yet sometimes the golden coins don’t accompany the open heart. But you have wanted to know how that feels. You’ve also wanted to know all of the humanness so that you can be complete with it. You are approaching that place where, as you have spoken, one comes right on top of another before one is even resolved, and that is because you want to—if you will hear me well—come to the place of surrender. And you have. You have said, “I can’t handle it. I give up.” And truly you cannot handle it of the small self, the small ego, and even of the physical. But you can handle it as you abide in the heart, as you breathe, as you affirm to yourself, “This is all in divine order, whether it looks like it or not. I am coming through this as a completion, and I am going to come out the other side of it,” and you are. So there are times that you get a glimmer of light and you see this light on the horizon and you say, “Okay, I know this too shall pass, and I’ve always been taken care of,” and you have. All of this lifetime, even when it seems like you were tumbling down the hill into muck and mire, you have raised yourself back up again. So you can take good credit from that; in other words, you can take good feeling from that and trust that always the divine Self of you is going to take care of you. Yes, you have decreed that you will know the bumps and trials and tribulations of physicality and of this reality, but you are also coming to a place of being complete with it to the place of surrender, the place of trusting the heart. You are in a very good place, because as I have said to you other times, you are the teacher. Many come to you and they want to know. They have questions and they ask of you and you deal certain ways with them that they can understand. But truly what they understand is how you face all of the problems that the world can present to you. And you are storing up many experiences that you can share with them. The master has experienced everything so that he can be at peace with it and he can then offer this peace to other ones, because “I have been there.”

Patrick: And I’ve already been experiencing that…I have a friend who recently lost her mom, and then on the heels of that she had an abscessed tooth, and she’s like “I don’t think I can handle this, I can’t handle any more,” and I’m like “No, you’re going to be fine. You’re going to come through this, because I just came through it myself.” (Exactly)

Jeshua: Every experience that you draw to yourself is in order for you to use in helping others. There is no experience that doesn’t come with its gift, and even if it feels like it is manure, it truly has a gift in it. And often very soon you will find yourself using it to help others. So when it comes, whatever challenge comes, invite it in, welcome it. Say, “Okay, I didn’t know I was inviting this, but come on in.”

Patrick: I have been able in the middle of some of it to say to myself, “You know, one day I’m going to be really grateful for this.”

Jeshua: Exactly, which doesn’t make any sense to human ego, the separated ego, but it is the truth of your being. So you’re doing very well with it.

Patrick: That’s good to hear. It’s just nice to have the validation. I had a feeling that that’s kind of where…and I’ve been…I mean, even with the shamanism, it’s like the better you get at doing your “job”, you’re just getting better at getting out of the way and trusting and letting go and surrendering (Exactly) so my whole life is kind of pointed in that direction (Yes)

Jeshua: So on the morrow and the day after, go and buy for yourself the gold stars and put a few of them up where you can see them (Okay) and know that they are your gift to yourself (I will) And then when you meet somebody else who is going through the same problems, give them a couple of gold stars (That’s a great idea) It might even be fun.

Patrick: Yeah. Well, when I do soul retrievals and stuff, I have pearls for every soul part I help someone bring back. I give them a pearl to represent that, so it’s kind of the same kind of thing (Good; it is. You are doing well) Thank you so much.

Jeshua: Thank you, because truly—and I say this to all of you—you are my voice. You are my hands. You are my eyes. You are my hugs that I can give to another one. I work through you, all of you. Whenever you feel in the heart, in love with another one, in resonance with another one and you open your mouth and you say encouraging words to them and you allow them to know the truth of their being in whatever way you can do this, truly I speak through you. There is nothing mystical, magical, wonderful, strange about what is termed channeling, because you all do it all the time. When you are in resonance with your own heart being, the love, then you speak from the Christ of yourself. And then you allow me—because there is no separation—to speak to other ones, and I thank you for that (It’s an honor) It is my honor. Thank you.


  1. This isn't as poetic as what you wrote but going back to the phrase "There is no separation", I can't help image a can of tomatoe juice from Sandra Ingerman's Medicine for the Earth course.

    I think Hugs are rather transfiguring don't you:)

  2. Definitely! And it's funny you mention Sandra and Medicine For The Earth because they are so totally the physical manifestation and experience that I've been listening to Jeshua talk about for years. :)
