"Your path is to be shared...It will be called The Golden Thread Road"
~White Buffalo Calf Woman
PLEASE NOTE: This blog has run its course and is being continued at windbuffalo.blogspot.com. Thank you so much for reading!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

As If!

So I've been thinking about some things lately, as I am wont to do, and somewhere along the line a new idea popped into my head. Well, okay, maybe new for me. I think it was while talking to a friend about our lives and what we needed to do and who we wanted to be, and it suddenly just struck me (don't worry, it didn't leave a mark) that really, what I needed to do, was to act "as if." As if all the things that I believe to be true were true!

How radical, and totally simple, is that? I mean I believe something. That something is either true or it isn't. How will I know unless I live as if it were true? What good is it if it's not true? Worse case scenario, all this crap I've been living and learning for so many years is a bunch of hooey, I spend some time in deep disillusionment (a long time probably), and then I get on with the quest for what the Truth actually is. That is something that is hard-wired into me -- Truth seeker that I am.

Or I keep living my life as if my beliefs were true, and, you know, even if they're not true according to the rest of the world, I'm still living in a world where Love is the parameters and the substance of life, and my beliefs would create that world. It would have a reality of it's own even if it were only in my own perspectives. And I would rather live in that world, if the only other choice is the dualistic dog-eat-dog world so many believe in. Wayne Dyer says "You'll see it if you believe it." Even if others can't see it, because of my beliefs I would see and it would be true.

The third alternative is that I live as if my beliefs are true, living as if I am my own authority, as if we are all connected, as if I really do have the spark of Divinity in me, as if there is a higher power that provides for all my needs, as if I am taken care of every step of the way and that everything does happen for a reason and for the highest good, as if I can trust the intuitive promptings and feelings within me, as if I do manifest what I want to experience, as if life is meant to be a dance of happiness and joy, as if people are basically good, as if Love is the guiding light as well as the material from which all things are created.

It means some scary, uncomfortable, and lonely things -- at least at first. It means not buying into the drama of the world. It means bucking the system -- not out of rebellion (that would again be part of the dualistic drama) but rather out of following my own path which, invariably will lead inside and outside acceptable boundaries. It is alright as long as I am following my own guidance, my own compass, my own connection to the divine -- Moving toward something rather than away from something. Moving toward the Truth of my being.

It just feels for me it is time to narrow the gap between who I believe I am and who I really am, bringing my beliefs out of the realm of the mind and grounding them solidly into my heart, my body, and my life. Living them rather than paying them lip service. Validating them rather than living like the world of drama were the true reality.

Pff! As if!

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