"Your path is to be shared...It will be called The Golden Thread Road"
~White Buffalo Calf Woman
PLEASE NOTE: This blog has run its course and is being continued at windbuffalo.blogspot.com. Thank you so much for reading!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

...Just a Kiss

The other evening I had one of the most incredible nights I can remember. It was especially amazing being offset by an emotionally draining weekend. The weekend, and how it relates to last night, I will get to in another post, but for now I'm still feeling an energy high that I'm not exactly sure what to do with.

For a little over a month now I've been going to these Tuesday night talks with a group in Seattle who are concerned with creating a touch-positive society, and healing the wounds we all have, to one degree or another, in the area of sexuality. Being raised Catholic, and always being a goody-two-shoes, there are certain aspects of my life that, despite my expansive growth spiritually and otherwise, have gone unexamined. And the thing is, especially as an artist, these issues do not only concern sexual identity, but overall creativity as well as the sense of belonging -- finding your tribe and chosen family.

At the end of the night's talk, the topic of which was The Body As Sexual Healer, we were to pair off, and the facilitator led us in a body blessing where we blessed each other's bodies, celebrating the sacredness of the body and all its parts. The special thing for me, and why I feel very fortunate, was that there were three of us -- me, another man and a woman -- who had connected over the course of the night, so we did our blessings in a triad.

Of course, since everyone else was paired off in dyads, the rest of the group finished before all three in our little trinity had been blessed, meaning I was left out. As the rest of the people started mingling and chatting, the woman with us got the words from the facilitator and began, with the man, to bless me.

It was like we were in our own little bubble, our own little world, and I was not at all aware of the others milling about around us. It was such an honor to be the total focus of two beautiful people who began at my feet, blessing and kissing each part of me, thanking each part for it's function and beauty. Yes (as I hear your thoughts), we were all fully clothed. It was so magickal and I do not have words for the feeling of love and connectedness that washed over me.

The full impact did not hit me until the next day when I realized that it was like being blessed, toe to head, by the Lord and Lady themselves -- The divine masculine and feminine. I can still vividly feel the woman's kiss on my lips, and think that it was the single sweetest kiss I have ever had. Every time I recall it, I feel my heart just fill completely, and over-flowingly, with well being. It truly was the kiss of Goddess.

Thank you!