"Your path is to be shared...It will be called The Golden Thread Road"
~White Buffalo Calf Woman
PLEASE NOTE: This blog has run its course and is being continued at windbuffalo.blogspot.com. Thank you so much for reading!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Personal Angels

It's been one of those days.  I am very tired from staying up too late last night (admittedly with a bit of a sugar hang-over from a post midnight bowl of Cap'n Crunch).  I try to reassure myself that it's alright because, the reason I was up that late was that I was working on an art project -- A drawing for a friend of her power animals as an exchange for the best massages I've ever had. Still it becomes a vicious circle -- waking up tired and anxious because of lack of sleep so not being in top form for a job that drains me and reinforces a dis empowering attitude so that when I get home it takes me til almost bedtime to get my second wind to begin my various art projects meaning I go to bed late...

I have no big revelation or anything.  Just stating the way things are at the moment.  But as I was getting the weight on one of the boxes at work it came up as 22.44 lbs. The number struck me and I snuck onto the Internet to see what that means according to the Angel Numbers (a system of getting messages from your guides and angels by noticing what number combinations appear around you).  It basically said, "You are not alone. Help is available to you any time you ask."  I'd been asking all morning, but redoubles my efforts, asking for help in the short term to get out of this funk, and in the long term to break this chain of spinning my tires.

Then, exactly as I was punching out for lunch, a good friend who I hadn't heard from for awhile called me out of the blue. As soon as we finished our conversation, one and then another friend began texting me. All three interactions were with people who are nothing but supportive of me, and though I didn't really talk much about what I was feeling, I felt much better afterwards, my prayers for help answered just by the presence in my day of these personal angels.

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